Sunday, September 30, 2007

Needs Assessment at Every Level

Mega-Level Results

Large societal scale results of my project Saturday School for Spanish Speakers would be increased quality of life for the Spanish speaking community, better citizens and lower crime levels.

Macro-Level Results

The School would deliver a higher quality of life to Spanish speakers by increasing their pride in their heritage, opening new economic possibilities with Spanish fluency in both verbal and written language, and by increasing integration into the United States' society and work force by creating more college educated native Spanish speakers.

Micro-Level Results

The individual students would have greater knowledge of their own mother tongue and culture. This knowledge can be transferred to English, their second language, and should facilitate learning in English. The Spanish speaking students should do better academically in school with more skills in their first language.

My Ideal Vision

My ideal vision would be a fully bi-lingual child of Spanish speaking immigrants who could utilize the native culture and language, both verbal and written, to great advantage in our society or the world. This vision would include utilizing this knowledge for transferring skills, such as reading comprehension, to English. Upon graduating from the Saturday school program these students should be as fluent in Spanish as in English, and proficient in both.

1 comment:

Scott B. said...

Aerin, you did a great job of using Kaufman's levels help further explain the needs you identified for you project.