Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Saturday School

The Goal of the Saturday School program is for students to reach a level of proficiency in their heritage language to equal proficiency levels required in Latin America for their age group. The catalyst is knowledge of their cultures.

The Goal of grade level achievement will have the Objectives of grade level reading, writing and knowledge of culture. The Goals and Objectives do align. After initial assessment of the students, children of Latin American immigrants who speak Spanish at home or for whom Spanish is their mother tongue, a customized constructivist study plan will be made.

The children will be taught in small groups of 5-7 students with an integrated intra-curricular instruction using culture and history of Latin America in presentations of multi-media, books, music, film and computer, as well as story telling. The students will make presentations both verbally and written for frequent assessments of various methods. The program will be frequently evaluated for effectiveness.