Sunday, October 7, 2007

Analyzing the Task Ahead

The focus of the task is to teach children of Spanish speaking families the Spanish language, culture, and history. The method to be used will be the "lectura proactiva" method (see below) in small learning groups. Strategies will include a starting point analysis of students' reading levels in both Spanish and English, background knowledge of culture and history of Latin America, as well as instruction to families about how the program will work. The courses will meet individualized objectives throughout the year. Evaluation, perhaps more frequently in start-up groups, will be done on a regular basis to assure objectives in reading, grammar, comprehension and oral fluency are met in the Spanish language, as well as evaluation of retention of subject matter. Subject matter for course materials and activities will be culture and history comparable to what children of the same age are learning in Latin America.

Criterion tests will be similar to ESL testing for evaluation, even using ESL test scores when parents make that available to the program.

Children will have individualized objectives constructed under the following precepts:

1.) Identifying the skills to be learned
2.) Determining which of these skills take preference, and which need attention in small group teaching, which will be done at home
3.) Identifying the requirements for the objective skill to be considered learned

These individualized objectives will be constructed on a one-to-one basis in initial evaluations and subsequent evaluations throughout the year. This program would be year long. At the end of one year reading levels in both Spanish and English will be evaluated as a post-test result of instruction.

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